AmigaActive (409/2143)

From:Kevin Fairhurst
Date:5 May 2000 at 11:56:06
Subject:Re: WarpUp/WarpOs

On Fri, 5 May 2000 09:32:09 +0100, ( wrote:
> Hi All,


> Since I have the PPC now working, stopped dancing around the house and all that
> ;)

Have you put the cheque in the post to me yet? ;-)

> - one more hurdle. :) (There's always one, and also - that awful Octopus
> dock bar from NC3 doesn't like the PPC at all! :))

Octopus doesn't mind my PPC - and why should it dislike it?

> I was using PowerUp last night - just to get a jist of things, now sometime
> soon I will actually buy some software to use it. (I have Candy Factory Pro
> and Fantastic Dreams on the list and I'm going to order MooVid *today* :) Now;
> it is quite evident that regardless of what is better, H&P's WarpUp/OS is the
> way that the PPC kernel stuff is going...
> /me avoiding a flame fest ;)

Surely that all depends upon what you want to do. There are some things
that STILL don't work with PPCLibEmu and thus you HAVE to use PowerUp for
them. In fact, I have nothing (yet ;) that requires me to run WarpOS.

> Now; I downloaded WarpUp v4 from Aminet last night, and installed it. Installed
> the BPPCFix proggy with:
> BPPC install 040 reboot
> Now, before when I typed version ppc.library i got v46.2 or summink; but to
> verify it has gone, I typed it again and indeed it has been zapped off of this
> planet ;). So in theory, when I start say, AmigaAMP (the MP3 player not the
> MPEG player) and select WarpOS as the replaying thingy, I quit as it says -
> restart and a small shell window appears when AmigaAMP is loaded saying that
> it cannot open 'powerpc.library'. I have checked this is in libs: and it is;
> but nothing which requires WarpUp works, like AmiGenerator and the H&P demos;
> like VoxelSpace etc.
> So how do I get WarpUp v4 to work? :)

You need the latest powerpc.library in libs: along with the emulation
ppc.library. I think (like I said, I haven't got WOS, and anyway I'm
running on an A4000 ;) you will also have to make sure you have the 040 +
060 libraries (and dummy's) in libs: too. I vaguely remember hearing that
even with an 040 it's best to keep the 060 library in libs: too ....

Hope this helps,


Kevin "Redvers" Fairhurst - ICQ 56332267, redver5 on AIM

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